Marine Resources
Marine services and Information
Marine Services On-line (MSO) is your one stop source of government marine services and information. The MSO seeks to better serve marine clients (Recreational Boaters, Commercial Fishers and those within the Marine Infrastructure) by offering information products and services through a single point of access.
Information on Tides and Currents
The Tides, Currents, and Water Levels Web Site provides predicted times and heights of high and low waters, and the hourly water levels for over seven hundred stations in Canada.
Marine Weather
When severe weather threatens, Environment Canada is here for you, issuing special alerts that notify those in affected areas so that they can take steps to protect themselves and their property from harm.
Pacific Coast Guard
With regional and fleet headquarters in Vancouver and Victoria, the Region is responsible for more than 27,000 km of coastline, throughout Yukon Territory and British Columbia.

Marine Institutes

Quadrant Marine Institute Inc. is a private marine institute providing training for boat and yacht building, repair and maintenance. is a comprehensive resource about industry training programs in British Columbia.